Saturday, June 2, 2012


Summer is here for me! I am so excited and relieved I can't even explain. My sophomore year of high school has been exceptionally tough on me, however I am extremely grateful for it. I learned many lessons, (some the hard way) and I have an amazing support team rooting for me to just put this year behind me and move forward full force. I do mean full force, my Junior year is going to be even more crazy but I definitely have a better mind set and a positive, "can-do" attitude.

Since it is summer I am excited to post more and document my travels on this blog. I'm still not positive as to what it's strictly about. Only time can tell!


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Caffine, oh caffine

Hello Everyone! I am so sorry that I have been M.I.A. for the past month or so, my life has been absolutely crazy! I just started my school's swim team and it has made me absolutely exhausted. Between swim, debate team, voulenteering, AP classes, and attempting to have a social life, I have just been way to busy to even think about posting which I know is no excuse but I plan to do much better. :)

Anyways, I have an addiction... Caffeine. Yes, I am a coffee and tea freak. I kind of need to go to CA (caffeinated anonymous) and take the 12 steps to being free of espresso! Unfortunately, that's not really possible.. My addiction is not to the point where if I don't have it in the mornings I get major headaches and moody, but I do depend on it to wake me up about 4 or 5 out of the 7 wonderfully busy days of the week. Now I know caffeine is not good for you, neither is all the stuff usually added into the nerve stimulating drinks, but I cant really go to bed at 11 or 12 PM and get up at 4 AM and expect to get through my day without a little help.

A few of my favorite coffee drinks include the following: (NOTE: All are from Starbucks and include various sweeteners and "diversions" from the actual taste of coffee, I'm not  a hard-core coffee flavor lover, I just like the effects it has on my poor nervous system)

1.  MY FAVORITE- Sugar-free vanilla Soy Latte.. Its a wonderful upgrade from the boring ole' skinny vanilla latte

2. My most obnoxious beverage... But I promise you, the $6 cup of joe is so worth it, its like Christmas in a cup (excuse The Proposal quote)- A TALL double cup, 3 pump chai, 3 pump sugar-free vanilla, soy milk, extra hot, extra foamy, extra cinnamon sprinkles, no water chai latte. Try saying that five times fast..

3. A non-fat Caramel Macchiato (Boring I know)

Those are pretty much the only hot beverages I buy at Starbucks, however, when the Christmas drinks come around that is a WHOLE other story. Its like the Christmas themed drinks apocalypse, I kid you not.

As for teas... I pretty much drink any chai, green, or chamomile. I put a bit of lemon in my green, and a bit of non-fat or soy milk in my chai, I would put in almond milk as that is what I drink in lou of actual milk, but it just tastes extremely unnatural.

So that is my little schpel, do you guys drink coffee or tea? If so, what is your favorite way to drink it?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Room!

New Room!!
I am so excited, im moving, and I get to redecorate my room! Its going to be alot bigger than my other room so Im going crazy looking at room ideas. :)
Here is my favorite design. (Yes, it is Blair's room from Gossip Girl. I am kind of obsessed..)
I love this color scheme and the chandelier! The lounge in the far corner is adorable as well.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

Hip Hip Horray!
2012 is FINALLY here! 2011 has been a pretty tough year for me, im not gonna lie. Especially these last few months. I didnt get quite the grades I wanted due to Mono, and I had a rough volleyball season also because of Mono. This is the year though, I can feel it! A year of lots of new starts and i plan on having absoluetly no regrets. :) A new year, new semester, and a new attitude! Do you guys have any new years resolutions? Here are a few of mine.

1. As I already said, NO REGRETS! :)
2. Obviously work out more, but also join a few recreational sports teams and start horse back riding again.
3. Voulenteer at least once a week
4. Read ALOT more

Lets make this year the best yet!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Favorite Fragrances!

Hey Everyone!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas or whatever holiday you celebrate! I thought that I would do a post on my favorite perfumes and body sprays/splashes. I have alot of them and I love smelling good, (obviously) so I thought I would share some of my favorites!


1. Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy

2. Pink Sugar
WARNING! This smells like sugary cupcakes.... Its fantastic in small amounts.

3. Juicy Couture Original

4. Coach Poppy

1. Warm Vanilla Sugar (Bath and Body Works)
2. Winter Wonderland (Bath and Body Works)
3. PINK by Victoria Secret Fresh and Clean

These are just some of my favorites, do you have any fragrance loves? Let me know!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas! Part 1

Merry Christmas Eve!
I know for some of you this day before Christmas isn't a big deal but for me I celebrate Christmas Eve with my daddy's side of the family, and Christmas day with my moms. (Divorced parents) So yesterday my family and I made tamales.... They are so much work but oh so worth it. Sadly I don't eat them anymore because I am a vegetarian but when I did eat meat... Man all mighty they were life changing. How could a tamale change one's life? I have no idea, but they did, and they were so gooooooooood. 

Whoah mama, I went to a Christmas party tonight at a family friends house and a white elephant
gift exchange occurred.. :/ I always have terrible luck with these exchanges. So I go to open a gift and what do I find myself with? A nose hair trimmer. Yes, a nostril hair follicle remover. Luckily the hostess took pity on me and let me trade it for a zebra print blanket. But a nose hair trimmer? I suppose if you need it, you do what you have to do, but I don't have unwanted tufts of hair in my nasal cavity so I most certainly did not need it. Everyone laughed about it and then we all sang Christmas carols, but I will forever be known as, "Nose trimmer girl."

Have you ever gotten a weird White Elephant gift of any sorts? 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Sad News

Hey Everyone!
 I just got a brand spankin new laptop as an early Christmas present! :) Exciting I know, but along with the new laptop my stepdad needs to take it with him to work to mess with it a bit and put Microsoft Office on it for school purposes. Sadly, I wont be able to post until probably this Friday or Saturday. :( I promise ill be back ASAP but in the meantime, enjoy your week!

PS - I promise ill come up with some really cool ideas for posts during this week, let me know if you have any suggestions!